
Effective Schedorhinotermes treatment solutions


Central Coast Pest Control & Management - OzPest Solutions


Effective Schedorhinotermes treatment solutions






Schedorhinotermes termites are found across Australia, specifically in New South Wales, Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia. Like other termites, their caste system includes the queen, king, soldier, worker, and reproductive. However, unlike other termite species, Schedorhinotermes has two types of soldiers – major and minor. In general, the soldiers have mandibles with teeth on their inner faces, white cigar-shaped bodies, and heads that are pale to dark brown. In terms of size, the major soldier has a length of 5 to 7.5 mm, while the minor soldier only has a length of 3 to 5.5 mm. Another difference between the two soldiers is the shape of their heads, wherein the major soldier has a round head. In contrast, the minor soldier has a narrower head with slender mandibles.


Often, the location of Schedorhinotermes colonies is in tree stumps and root crown areas. They are challenging to locate since they form nests under patios, houses, and timbers buried in the ground. This termite species is also indoors, specifically under fireplace foundations or retaining walls. They prefer to be in areas where the wood or timber directly interacts with the soil. There are cases when their colonies are partially mobile due to the queens' ability to relocate. Their nests can contain up to thousands of colony members.


Like Nasutitermes, the queen of this termite species lays her eggs one at a time, which will undergo the stages of development from egg to nymph and adult. On the other hand, the king will spend his entire life alongside the queen as she feeds and cares for the young. Nymphs shall undergo two to three months of transition before maturing into a soldier, worker, or winged reproductive. Regarding their lifespan, soldiers and workers can live for one to two years, while kings and queens can live for over 20 years.

Eating Habits

Regarding food, the workers will eat cellulose, fungi, and other organic material. This termite species can fully excavate timbers, which may be highly destructive in homes, mainly because they prefer to position themselves beneath man-made structures.

FAQs About Schedorhinotermes

What is unique about Schedorhinotermes?

This termite species is known to have two types of soldiers: the major and the minor. They have distinct characteristics that set them apart from each other. However, both serve the same role: to defend the colony against attack, especially from ants.

Are Schedorhinotermes dangerous to my pets?

Unlike ants, termites rarely bite. They are in search of food made up of cellulose, specifically. Wood, clothing, books, and documents are the most vulnerable things to be destroyed by termites as they are eating non-stop and will damage your property in no time if left unnoticed.

How do I spot Schedorhinotermes in my house?

This species is notorious for damaging houses and properties; however, they do not build mounds, making them harder to detect. Usually, you can only tell if the infestation is already bad and there is extensive damage to your property. Speak with us at OzPest Solutions and book a termite inspection now! We also recommend scheduling an annual termite inspection for your home to keep on top of any possible termite infestation risks.

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