Carpenter Ant

Effective Carpenter Ant treatment solutions


Central Coast Pest Control & Management - OzPest Solutions

Carpenter Ant

Effective Carpenter Ant treatment solutions



Carpenter Ant

Camponotus spp.


Carpenter ants are aptly named due to their destructive behaviour towards wooden structures, particularly those found within homes. They are often referred to as "wood-eating ants" due to their strong affinity for wood. These ants have smooth bodies and can range in colour from black to dark orange. The size of carpenter ants can vary depending on their role within the colony, typically measuring between 3mm to 12mm. Major workers of this ant species function as soldier ants and are larger in size. Conversely, minor workers are smaller and responsible for constructing colonies and foraging.


Carpenter ants have the ability to thrive in various environments, both indoors and outdoors. They tend to seek out moist wood, such as decaying bark or rotting timber, to construct their nests. Unlike other ant species, carpenter ants do not create a single large nest. Instead, they establish multiple smaller "satellite" nests, which help to ensure the survival of the colony even if one nest is destroyed.


In late spring, the mating process between carpenter ant queens and fertile males takes place. As with other ant species, the male carpenter ants die after mating, while the queen searches for a suitable location to establish a new colony. It can take up to six years for a carpenter ant colony to become fully established. In terms of their life cycle, it takes between 6 to 12 weeks for carpenter ants to develop from an egg into a fully grown adult.

FAQs About Carpenter Ant

Why are they called carpenter ants?

Carpenter ants are named for their ability to build nests out of wood. They are notorious for destroying wood houses and furniture as they create tunnels to make space for their nests.

What do carpenter ants eat?

Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t digest wood at all; they just nest in it. The tunnel system these ants build serves as a passageway between their nest and the food source. Like other ant species, they eat food remains, honeydew, and other insects.

How can I tell if I have carpenter ants at home?

When creating nests, carpenter ants dig their way through the wood. This leaves a pile of sawdust, which can be an indication of the presence of carpenter ants. However, ants are not the only ones capable of doing this. Termites are also known to feed on wood, and they are often mistaken for ants. If you are not sure what kind of pest is infesting your home, it's best to call us for a proper assessment and immediate treatment.

Carpenter Ants
Camponotus spp.

Key Information


Australia Wide

Typical nest location

They can be found in both outdoor and indoor environments, specifically in areas with moist or decaying, hollow wood.

Outdoor / Indoor pest

Can cause significant damage to wood through nesting activities (they do not eat wood)

Distinguishing features
/ Important Points

Carpenter Ants come in various species and colours, ranging from brown to orange, black, and sometimes even two-toned. They collect honeydew from aphids, and they are mainly active during the night, specifically from dusk until dawn.

Colony structure

Single Queen

Diet Preference

Sugar feeders

Safety Concerns

Painful bite but no sting

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