Bull Ant

Effective Bull Ant treatment solutions


Central Coast Pest Control & Management - OzPest Solutions

Bull Ant

Effective Bull Ant treatment solutions



Bull Ant

Myrmecia spp.


The bull ant, which is distributed throughout Australia, is recognised as one of the most hostile ant species. If disturbed or provoked, it will bite and deliver an excruciating sting that could potentially cause a severe allergic reaction. It has large eyes, slender clawed mandibles, and is shiny black and red in colour. The adult size of this ant ranges from 8mm to 40mm. In addition to its aggressive nature, this species is also renowned for its fast movement.


Bull ants create subterranean nests with a visible, well-protected mound. They are typically found in outdoor areas with bushes and under logs or rocks, but they may also establish colonies indoors, especially in damp areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. The queen bull ant leaves the nest at night to hunt for food to feed the larvae.


Each bull ant colony is headed by a single queen who is responsible for laying all the eggs. The queen's eggs produce a few fertile males and many infertile females that serve as the workers. The fertile males' only purpose is to mate with the queen. The growth from an egg to a fully grown adult bull ant may take several months.

FAQs About Bull Ant

Why are they called bull ants?

The name bull ant is derived from their large mandibles that are capable of carrying insects they consider as prey. They also have aggressive natures and swarming tendencies, which allow them to obtain resources for the whole colony.

What sets bull ants apart from other ants?

These ants are known to have distinct mandibles and they have very big eyes. Both of these allow bull ants to become alert and efficient in foraging. They prefer a protein-based diet, which makes insects their primary source of food.

Are bull ants dangerous?

Bull ants have very powerful mandibles and a venomous sting. The bitten area may swell and you could have an allergic reaction. In some cases, their bite may also cause anaphylactic shock for sensitive people. It is advised not to try to exterminate them on your own. Hire us at OzPest Solutions to handle extreme cases of bull ant infestations now!

Bulldog Ant
Myrmecia spp.

Key Information


Australia Wide

Typical nest location

The nest is situated underground, and it may have a visible mound above it. There is typically only one entrance to the nest, which is guarded.

Outdoor / Indoor pest


Distinguishing features
/ Important Points

Bull ants are characterized by their prominent eyes and serrated jaws. They are very aggressive and can move quickly. They are also known by other names, including Jumper ants. Different species of bull ants have varying colours.

Colony structure

Single Nest
Single Queen

Diet Preference

Omnivore; preference for protein / dead insects.

Safety Concerns

Bite and very painful sting (possible allergic reaction)

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