Brown Banded Cockroach

Effective Brown Banded Cockroach treatment solutions


Central Coast Pest Control & Management - OzPest Solutions

Brown Banded Cockroach

Effective Brown Banded Cockroach treatment solutions



Brown Banded Cockroach

Supella Longipalpa


The brown banded cockroach, from the name itself, is characterised by having two distinct bands seen on its nymph and adult body. It can also be distinguished from other species because it lacks the two pronotal stripes. An adult can grow up to 10mm to 15mm long, with males being longer when compared to the females.


Unlike other types of cockroaches, this species can survive in dry environments, making indoors conducive for living. It is also called the 'furniture cockroach' because it thrives inside cabinets, cupboards, and under tables. When searching for food, they can also roam around roof spaces, sinks, and pipes.


The ootheca (egg cases) of the females can carry around 10 to 18 eggs that will turn into nymphs between 40 to 110 days. The nymphal stage can last up to 120 days. At this point, the nymph has already developed its distinct two light-coloured bands. These bands turn dark when the cockroach reaches adulthood. An adult brown banded cockroach has a lifespan of 90 to 180 days.

FAQs About Brown Banded Cockroach

How are brown banded cockroaches different from other cockroaches?

Brown banded cockroaches have two light stripes on their back. Aside from that, they are generally smaller than other types of cockroaches, so they can be distinguished from Australian or American cockroaches easily.

Where will I find brown banded cockroaches inside the house?

The brown banded cockroach is a type of cockroach that prefers dry environments such as the bedrooms and storage rooms of residential structures. These cockroaches are often found hiding in wall cracks, behind cabinets, and under furniture.

Should I use baits or insecticides to eliminate brown banded cockroaches?

Baits and insecticides are effective only when done properly. We recommended that you hire a pest control professional who knows how to manage cockroach infestations properly, using effective cockroach control treatments that work.

What’s the solution to brown banded cockroach infestation?

One solution is to cut off their readily available supply of food, which includes any food debris and remove any leftover food that may be sitting around. However, if you already have a cockroach infestation, we’ll help get rid of these pests quickly.

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