Australian Cockroach

Effective Australian Cockroach treatment solutions


Central Coast Pest Control & Management - OzPest Solutions

Australian Cockroach

Effective Australian Cockroach treatment solutions



Australian Cockroach

Periplaneta Australasiae


The Australian cockroach is a species that is about 30mm to 35mm long with a reddish-brown colour and yellow streaks on its pronotum and forewings. The males are thinner than the females are, but both sexes have fully developed wings that cover the abdomen.


This species prefers a tropical climate specifically in dark and humid areas. It thrives under piles of wood, barks of trees, and where there is rotting vegetation in the wild, but it can also live in sinks, pipes, and floors of kitchens and bathrooms in houses.


The life cycle of an Australian cockroach consists of eggs, five nymphal stages, and then adulthood. The ootheca of the female, which carries the eggs, can hold up to 24 embryos that develop for about 40 days. After which, these eggs hatch to become nymphs. The nymphal stage lasts for about 6 to 12 months before they become adults with fully grown and functional wings.

FAQs About Australian Cockroach

Why do Australian cockroaches infest houses?

These cockroaches are notoriously drawn to the dark, moist areas such as kitchens, bathroom sinks, garages, or in roof spaces. They also like to find food sources throughout the house where they can remain for weeks or months without being noticed.

What are the signs of Australian cockroach infestation?

These cockroaches will not be seen until they have matured or reached the nymph stage. Cockroaches hide in very dark places such as folds in walls, closets, and cabinets. Often, the majority of the adults will be seen on the underside of sinks or in cracks and crevices. In some cases, you will see empty egg cases which could suggest that you have an infestation.

Can Australian cockroaches cause health hazards?

These cockroaches can spread germs and cause allergies to some humans. In some circumstances, the Australian cockroaches can spread disease-causing bacteria on touch. They may also bite if they feel threatened, leaving potential lesions and swelling on the bitten area.

What can I do to eliminate Australian cockroaches?

It is important to eliminate hiding places such as boxes, bags, and clutter in garages. Remove yard debris, especially items that hold water or become mouldy. Seal up foundation cracks and do not leave pet food out overnight. If the Australian Cockroach infestation persists, call us for quick and stress-free treatments that work!

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