American Cockroach
Effective American Cockroach treatment solutions
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American Cockroach
Effective American Cockroach treatment solutions
- We reply within 24 Hours
- Safe, effective treatments
American Cockroach
Periplaneta americana
The American cockroach is about 30mm to 45mm long and is the largest of the most common peridomestic cockroaches (cockroaches commonly living in the wild but can also live in houses). It has a reddish to chocolate brown colour with a yellow streak on its pronotum. Very similar to the Australian cockroach, this species also has fully functional wings and females are generally larger in size when compared to the males.
This cockroach thrives in warm and moist areas where there are wood piles and decaying vegetable matter. While it is commonly seen outdoors, this species will wander indoors in search of food and refuge. Inside houses, it lives in ducts, roof spaces, sinks, and walls.
This species starts its life cycle from eggs carried by the female ootheca, which is a hardened egg case that carries about 12 to 28 eggs. These eggs will hatch to form nymphs, which are wingless juveniles but will develop wings in the later nymphal stages. Nymphal development may last between 150 to 830 days before they turn into adults.